Our mission as a club is to provide children with a fun, wholesome sport-fitness activity which will be physically and mentally stimulating, to promote sportsmanship and safe, competitive play and to help the children improve their knowledge and skill.


We are always looking for parents to volunteer to help. Whether it’s sewing, fundraising, helping run the bench at games, etc., we want to get our parents more involved!


We’re continually working to find ways to raise funds to purchase uniforms and equipment and lower the overall cost for our players and their parents. If you have fundraising ideas, please share them with us!

Board of Directors

Our volunteer board of directors gives their time to guide our club…

All of our board members are parents of youth players. We give our time and energy to help the club grow and to make the experience more fun and meaningful for all of our players. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that has to happen to keep everything moving forward and to build the program to make it bigger. We have exciting plans and ambitions for our club!

The Board of Directors is made up of the following volunteers:
President: Emily Beutel
Vice President: Melanie Lanz
Treasurer: Tim McCloud

Our Travel Team Coaches:

Coaches Brian Hillegonds, Kurt Beutel, Lorenzo Martinez, Austin Scott, Tyler Adams, Jason Kingman, and Jonathan Bodle are all parents who play inline hockey themselves and volunteer their time to help coach both our rec teams and our travel teams.